All posts by markfishernyc1

Filmmaker And Photographer MARK FISHER Work with the camera started in 1966. Every subject that came in front of the lens. The Image maker grew up in the United States. Served in the U.S. Military Do Not Pretend To Be This Person-U.S. Military Veteran-You Will Be Prosecuted. as an Medic, then a Press Liaison Officer and Photographer. After the Military: He continue Photography and Captured hundreds of Landscapes and scenes of life. In the 1970's Fashion appeared to become the main subject. Music Images were a detour from boredom. Capturing the live essence of the musician became the main focus. The Band Promos look as if the group is about to go on stage. Everything looks "Now Now Now, Timeless". His Portraits are full of life and are hard to rival. The images invoke deep feelings.